Zašto je za mene moda bajka?

Why is fashion for me like a fairy tale? This post in Englishblog 5

Mnogi modu stavljaju na poslednje lestvice kulturnog i društvenog života. Za mene je moda poput bajke, sna u kome možemo da budemo ono što zapravo želimo. Neki bi rekli da to nije bitno, ima važnijih stvari, moda je skupa zabava za umišljenu „buržoaziju“. Moji argumenti da  moda ipak čini život lepšim:

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  1. Kroz istoriju moda je uvek bila ogledalo u kom se reflektovala slika društva. Nije čudno što je nakon Drugog svetskog rata počeo nagli i brzi razvoj mode kao kulture odevanja, s obzirom na to da su ljudi nakon rušenja i ružnog imali potrebu za građenjem i lepim.
  1. Često moda uz malo čarolije omogućava da se realizuju različite humanitarne akcije, revije i donacije.

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  1. Ukoliko ne posmatramo socijane, već individualne i psihološke aspekte, moda može ulepšati bitan trenutak ili običan i tmuran dan. Nekad kad imam napornu nedelju, kada mislim da će svi snovi da se sruše, kad sam i psihički i fizički umorna,dovoljno je da poverujem u bajku i krenem sa spremanjem za događaj. To je onaj trenutak kad se pepeljuga pretvara u princezu, kada se žena sređuje i blista, bez obzira na to šta se tog istog dana dešavalo.

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  1. „Ne postoji ništa na kugli zemaljskoj što čovek toliko ceni kao lepotu, do koje mu je toliko stalo, a da uopšte ne može dati razlog za tu svoju žudnju” dr Mirko Zurovac. Lepo je jedna od tri najviše filozofske vrednosti. Možda će neko reći da je lepota imperativ savremenog doba. Ne mora se ništa osim umreti. Ne moram biti kao lice s naslovnice, niti imati noge od dva metra i izražene kosti. Moja majka kaže život ti je onakav kako želiš da ga živiš. Za mene je lepota vrednost. Na njoj treba raditi, a moda samo može da nam da smernice na tom putu do dvorca i bajke koju priželjkujemo.

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Fotografije su zabeležene na prelepom dvorcu “Fantast” u okolini Bečeja. Kaputi u kojima sam se fotografisala su deo kolekcije Jesen/Zima’15/16  “Carske Insignije”  kreatorke Danijele Božić. Dizajnerka je bila inspirisana ornamentima, vezom, carskim insignijama srpskog srednjovekovnog kostima. To su bili delovi odeće ili predmeti kojima se davao poseban značaj, jer se smatralo da su božanskog porekla kao što su kruna, plašt, pojas… Kaputi  su izrađeni od finog punijeg pliša sa delovima koji su vezeni i ukrašeni svarovskim kristalima, inspirisana upravo carskim insignijama.

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Why is fashion for me like a fairy tale?

Many people don’t consider fashion an important part of culture and society. For me, it is like a fairytale, a dream in which we can be what we really want. Some would say that’s not important, there are more significant things to think about, fashion is just expensive fun for the rich and fancy. Here is why I believe fashion makes life better:

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  1. Throughout history, fashion has always been a mirror that reflected the image of the society. It’s no wonder a rapid development of fashion as culture of clothing began right after World War II. People had the need to build and bring nice things into their lives after so much demolition and terror.
  2. Fashion can often do its magic and enable various fundraisers and charity events.

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  1. If we don’t consider social, but individual and psychological aspects, fashion can make a special moment better, spice up an ordinary day or fix a bad one. Sometimes, when I’m going through a really difficult week, when I feel like all of my dreams are falling apart, when I’m both physically and mentally exhausted, believing in a fairytale can get me out of it all. I get into my fantasy and start getting ready for an event. That’s the moment in which Cinderella turns into a genuine princess, when a women makes sure she’s shining, no matter what kind of a day’s behind 11
  2. “There is nothing on this planet that a person appreciates as much as beauty, a thing he cares for so much that he cannot even reason his enormous need” dr Mirko Zurovac. Beauty is one of the three philosophical values. Some might say it’s even an imperative of the modern age. You don’t have to do anything but die. I don’t have to be the face from the magazine covers, have slender, long legs and amazing bone structure. My mother always says that your life is the way you want to live it. For me, beauty is a value. You should work on it, and fashion can just give us guidelines on the journey to the castle and the fairytale we’re wishing for.

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The pictures were taken in the beautiful castle “Fantast”, near the town of Becej. The coats I’m wearing are a part of autumn / winter 15/16 collection “Royal Insignia” by fashion designer Danijela Boric. She was inspired by ornaments, embroidery and royal insignia of the Serbian medieval costume. Those were garments or items that had a special significance because they were thought to be of divine origin. Some of them were crown, a cape or a belt. The coats are made of fine plush with embroidery and Swarovski crystals, inspired by the same royal insignia.

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“Stripes are summer staple they never go out of style”

Kada nemam inspiracije uvek odem u prirodu. Ovog puta sam se našla u Sremskim Karlovcima. Sad mi je jasno zbog čega je ono poznato po pesnicima, jer mesto je i više nego inspirativno. Ovog leta je još uvek aktuelna prugasta majica i široka suknja, pa sam u toj kombinaciji prošetala Dvorskom baštom.

Prugasta Breton majica je bila standardni deo uniforme francuske mornarice od sredine 19. veka. Original ima 21 prugu u čast 21 Napoleonove pobede. Koko Šanel je 20-ih godina prošlog veka kreirala prugastu majicu i oduševila parišku buržoaziju. Breton majicu je nosila i Merilin Monro. Koko je stvorila modu koja je nosiva, udobna praktična, ali i elegantna.  “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel

When I don’t have inspiration I look for it in nature. This time I was in Sremski Karlovci. This place is famous for its poets. This summer stripe t-shirt and wide skirts are still in trend, and in this combination I walked in Royal garden.

The striped breton shirt as we know it today was created shortly following  19th CenturyAct of France which introduced the navy and white striped knitted shirt as the uniform for all French navy seaman.  The original design featured 21 stripes, one for each of Napolean’s victories. Coco Chanel introduced the design to the fashion worldthrough her nautical collection in 1917. he Breton top became a symbol of haute-bourgeois loveliness during the pre-war Riviera years. The shirt was then made popular by Marilyn Monroe .“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel

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Exit festival – The fourth day

Poslednji dan Exit festivala smo uspeli da fotografišemo još malo zanimljivih stajlinga, sreli smo i manekene, ali i vip ličnosti, poput Danijele Vranješ, inače super obučene za festival.

Last day of Exit festival we have chance to take photos of interesting stylings , we met and models, but also VIPs, such as Danijela Vranješ,she had awesome style for the festival.

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Exit festival – never miss a chance to dance

Ovo su neki od najzanimljivijih modnih izdanja u boho stilu s ovogodišnjeg Exita. Ako je osmeh najbitniji detalj svakog stajlinga, onda je Exit svakako mesto gde ljudi znaju da je u trendu i ove sezone dobro raspoloženje.

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These are some of the most interesting fashion combinations boho style from this year’s Exit. If the smile is the most important part of every style, Exit is definitely the place where people know that good mood is trend for this season.
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U susret Exitu – Exit festival

Ove godine festival Exit proslavlja 15 godina postojanja. Festivalski modni trend, boho stil o kojem sam vam pisala, osvoja planetu. Obucite udobnu obuću i odeću za đuskanje. Ovo je moj predlog za ovogodišnji Exit.

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Every year as part of the European Festival Awards, the most prestigious festival contests and shows in the world, Exit is making it to the top ten festivals, and in 2007 and 2013 it was crowned as the best European festival. This year’s jubilee edition of the Exit festival will take place from July 9 to 12.  Festival’s trend boho style, I wrote about it few months ago, conquere the planet. Wear some confortable shoes and clothes for dancing. This is my suggestion for Exit festival. Put on some comfortable shoes and clothes for dancing.


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Moj predlog za Cinema City

Ovaj styling sam odabrala za predstojeći Cinema City koji će se održati od 29. do 7. jula na jedinstvenoj lokaciji – u novoj kreativnoj četvrti koju čine Kineska četvrt i Limanski park u Novom Sadu. 

Festival je nastao na konceptu grada festivala, koji je promovisan na Filmskom festivalu Srbije 2007. Sa značajnim izmenama u programskom konceptu, organizaciju festivala je 2008.godine preuzelo Udruženje Exit. Tokom 2008. i 2009. godine Cinema City se razvio u internacionalni filmski festival koji svojim obimom, filmskim programom i uglednim gostima iz zemlje i sveta predstavlja značajan kulturni i filmski događaj za Srbiju i region.

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Sunlight and swimsuit

Konačno plaža, malo odmora i novi kupaći. Pitali ste me kada će biti neki post o kupaćim kostimima. Ovog leta su svi poludeli za Triangle dizajnom, u različitim nijansama. Zanimljivo mi je što svaka boja ima svoj naziv. Ja sam se opredelila za ovaj “Las Vegas lights”.

Finally beach, a little rest and a new swimsuit. You asked me when would be a post about swimsuits.This summer everybody is crazy about Triangle swimsuits in different shades. It is interesting to me is that each color has its own name. My choice is “Las Vegas Lights”.


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Say “YES“ for white

Belo i crno nisu boje i ništa nije crno-belo, jer dolazi leto koje donosi šarene koktele i bele odevne kombinacije. Belo je po svim modnim trendovima hit za ovo leto, a osim što je aktuelno veoma je praktično, jer odbija sunčeve zrake. Ukoliko se dobro iskombinuje može i da privuče značajne poglede. Prodavnice su ovih dana pune bele čipkane garderobe. Ovu majicu sam našla u NewYorker-u.

Black and white are not colour, and nothing is black and white, because summer is coming with colourfull coctails and white combinations. White is in trend for this summer, and it’s practically because is solar reflectance. If you are good in cothes combinatons, you can attract significant glances. These days shops are full of white lace clothes. This shirt I’ve found in NewYorker.

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